First Year Strategies...

It is never too early to start thinking about fellowships or study away! At Connecticut College you’ll find a strong support network eager to connect you to valuable off-campus learning opportunities that will help you become a competitive applicant. Come to the Walter Commons for drop-in advising sessions and talk with staff advisers about connecting your academic goals with meaningful off-campus learning experiences.

Engage with your faculty by attending office hours and campus events and lectures! Ask them about their own work and areas of expertise and share your academic interests with them. Building these relationships early is an important way to strengthen your advising network and will also ensure you have strong recommendations later on. 

Attend the All-College Symposium to see how other students have woven their interests into an academic path.  Maintain a record of your academic journey by using tools like e-portfolios. This archive of experiences that have impacted you will be incredibly helpful as you develop your personal statements for future applications.

Consider leadership opportunities in student run organizations and getting your written work published in a college or national publication. 

Get curious about the local New London community—exploring how local concerns connect to global issues is a great place to begin engaging with the world! The Holleran Center for Community Action is a wonderful resource that can connect you with local opportunities and help prepare you to engage ethically with community partners.

Contact to learn more about these and other opportunities and visit the internal opportunities page to learn about Connecticut College funding resources for off campus study and research.

First Year Opportunities


Area of Focus: Language study, culture, STEM summer
Description: Supports semester long, 6-12 months or summer-only study abroad programs in all regions/countries except Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

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Area of Focus: Language study, cultural exchange
Description: Fully funded intensive summer overseas language and cultural immersion for one of 15 critical languages. 

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Area of Focus: Peace and conflict, social justice
Description: Davis Projects for Peace is an initiative for students to design grassroots projects for the summer of 2020 - anywhere in the world – that promote peace and address the root causes of conflict among parties.  

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Area of FocusEast or South East Asia
Description: The Freeman-ASIA program is designed to support U.S.-based undergraduates with demonstrated financial need who are planning to study abroad in East or Southeast Asia. 

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Area of Focus: cultural exchange, history of UK, diplomacy
Description: Three-to-four week summer opportunity to explore the culture, heritage and history of the UK while experiencing higher education at a UK university.

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Area of Focus: study abroad, all fields, language
Description: U.S. Department of State program enables Pell Grant recipients and those who have been historically underrepresented in US higher education to study or intern abroad thereby gaining skills critical to U.S. national security and economic competitiveness. 

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