CISLA Seniors: Class of 2025

Samuel Boehm

Majors: Neuroscience and Hispanic Studies

CISLA Language: Spanish
SIP: Catalyzing Healthcare with Intercultural Competence: The Intersection of Indigenous and Western Medicine
Internship: Centro de Estudios en Neurociencia Humana y Neuropsicología (Universidad Diego Portales)
Location: Santiago, Chile

Meiling Bottan

Major: Neuroscience

CISLA Language: Japanese
SIP: Considering Mental Health in Japan
Internship: Large-Scale Neuronal Networks that Organize the Predictive and Creative Brain
Location: Japan

Eliarís Brito

Major: Hispanic Studies

CISLA Language: Spanish
SIP: Retracing the African Roots in Latin American Dances
Internship: C Dynasty Dance Studio
Location: Japan

Maya Bruno

Major: Architectural Studies

CISLA Language: Italian
SIP: Balancing Historic Preservation and Sustainability: An Analysis of the Superbonus Program in Italy
Internship: Weber Architects
Location: Italy

Austin Cheng

Major: Biochemistry, Cellular Molecular Biology

CISLA Language: French
SIP: Artificial Extinction
Internship: Planet Madagascar
Location: Madagascar

Emma Dinkelspiel

Majors: German Studies and Slavic Studies

CISLA Language: German
SIP: The Search for East German Femininity: Gender Dynamics in the Works of Christa Wolf
Internship: Carl-Schurz-Haus
Location: Germany

Leila Hernandez-Webster

Majors: Environmental Studies and Film Studies

CISLA Language: Spanish
SIP: Environmental Policy in Latin America
Internship: Alerta Verde
Location: Bolivia

Claire Hoffmann

Majors: German Studies and Environmental Studies

CISLA Language: German
SIP: Biodynamic Farming and Regenerative Agriculture Principles in German Viticulture
Internship: Weingut Kühling-Gillot Battenfeld-Spanier
Location: Germany

Abdullah Khan

Majors: Architectural Studies and Environmental Studies

CISLA Language: Urdu
SIP: Comparative Analysis of the Use of Technology in Architectural Preservation
Internship: Innovative Dimensions
Location: Pakistan

Stella König

Major: International Relations

CISLA Language: Japanese
SIP: Examining Migrant Experiences in Japan
Internship: Ace Hotel Kyoto
Location: Japan

Samantha Lamontagne

Major: Psychology

CISLA Language: French
SIP: Mental Health Systems and Stigma: Comparison of French and American Policy and Practice
Internship: Kit ou Double
Location: France

Wonkyung Lee

Major: International Relations

CISLA Language: Japanese
SIP: Prime Minister's Economic Plan and the Development of Japanese Startup Companies
Location: Japan

Ilan Listgarten

Majors: International Relations and French

CISLA Language: French
SIP: Antisemitism in France
Internship: Alliance Israélite Universelle (AIU)
Location: France

Kayla Mateo

Major: Latin American and Latino Studies

CISLA Language: Spanish
SIP: Impact in Modern Day Society of People of Color Choosing Non-traditional Career Paths
Internship: Asociación de Mujeres de Ayuda Comunitaria (AMADC)
Location: Dominican Republic

Nora Pulsifer

Majors: French and Government

CISLA Language: French
SIP: "Don't Ruin His Life": A Comparative Glance at Preventative Measures Taken Against Sexual Violence in French vs. US Higher Education
Internship: Women's Refugee Centre
Location: France

Corinne Robbins

Majors: Government and Hispanic Studies

CISLA Language: Spanish
SIP: Analysis of Abortion Policy and Advocacy in Argentina
Internship: La Fundación para Estudio e Investigación de la Muger (FEIM)
Location: Argentina

Blake Rogers

Majors: Hispanic Studies, Economics, and International Relations

CISLA Language: Spanish
SIP: The 2008-2009 Euro Financial Crisis
Internship: Unión Iberoamericana de Municipalistas
Location: Spain

Alejandra Romero-Sanchez

Majors: Human Development and Latin American Studies

CISLA Language: Spanish
SIP: The Impact that Childhood Adversity has on Personality Development and Attachment Styles in Latinidad
Internship: Casa Ronald McDonald
Location: Puerto Rico

Noa Schmid

Majors: Art and International Relations

CISLA Languages: Hebrew and French
SIP: A Comparative Analysis of the Visual Culture of Occupation in Palestine and Western Sahara
Internship: German Embassy in Morocco
Location: Morocco

Aiden Shiell

Major: East Asian Studies

CISLA Language: Japanese
SIP: Fashion as a Medium for Self Expression
Internship: Research Assitantship with Professor Yuniya Kawamura
Location: Japan

Jazmin Villalba Gimenez

Major: Biochemistry, Cellular Molecular Biology

CISLA Language: Portuguese
SIP: The Health Effects of Stress in South America
Internship: Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM)
Location: Portugal

Torrance Wagner

Major: Botany

CISLA Language: Spanish 
SIP: Campesinos and Community: The Contribution of Systematic Social Organization and Collaboration to the Development of Food Sovereignty in the Central Valleys Region of Oaxaca, Mexico
Internship: Centro de Desarrollo Comunitario Centéotl
Location: Mexico