Information Technology Purchasing Policy

Excerpted from the Connecticut College Purchasing Policy, August 31, 2015.

College Department Coordinated Purchases/Internal Services on Campus

The purchase of certain goods and services must be coordinated and/or ordered through certain departments on campus. These goods and services must be approved by the department before the order is placed with an outside vendor. For example, all information technology purchases need to be approved by or ordered through Information Services. These departments will collaborate with the Director of Purchasing to e stablish and maintain preferred vendor contracts for these specific goods and services

Please consult with the on-line Department Coordinated Purchases/Internal Services on Campus chart for a list of these items and services and contact the department directly to make these purchases (See Appendix “D”)

Appendix "D" - Department Coordinated Purchases/Internal Services on Campus

The purchase of certain goods and services must be coordinated and/or ordered by certain internal departments on campus. The goods and services outlined below must be approved by the department before the order is placed with an outside vendor. For example, end users should not go directly to third party vendors for computer equipment and peripherals purchases. Computer equipment and peripherals purchases need to be approved by or ordered by Information Services, the Responsible Department. Another example, end users should not go directly to third party vendors to purchase furniture. Furniture purchases need to be approved by or ordered by Physical Plant, the Responsible Department.   Contact the Responsible Department directly prior to purchasing items from an outside vendor



Responsible Department

Computer equipment and peripherals

Information Services


Information Services

Audio Visual

Information Services

College funded cell phones

Information Services/Ruth Seeley

Library books and subscriptions

Shain Library

Copy Services/Copiers

Printing Services

Internal Printing (Business Cards/Stationary/Invitations, etc.)

Printing Services

External Printing Services/Banner/Signage

College Relations/Ben Parent

Promotional Items/Video Production

College Relations/Julia Ferrante


College Relations/Ruth Baxter

Large Mailings

Mail Services

Event Rental

Events & Catering

Tent Rental

Events & Catering

Storage Containers

Physical Plant

Pest Control

Physical Plant

Carpeting/Floor Mats

Physical Plant


Physical Plant

Space management/construction expenditures

Physical Plant


Physical Plant

Document Shredding

Director of Purchasing


College Owned Computer Use Service Level Agreement