Connecticut College will provide a replacement diploma when the original diploma has been lost or damaged or if there has been a legal name change. The original diploma must be returned when requesting a replacement due to damage or a name change. In order to protect the integrity of the diploma process, we require the following when requesting a replacement diploma:

  • Replacement Diploma Application (pdf) - Your signature must be notarized on this form.
  • Photocopies of two (2) forms of acceptable ID: passport, birth certificate, driver's license, social security card.
  • If your name has been legally changed, you must enclose a copy of the legal name change document. Please enclose a check made payable to "Connecticut College" in the amount of $60.00. Send the application, accompanying forms of identification, original diploma and check to:

    Office of the Registrar
    Connecticut College
    270 Mohegan Avenue
    New London CT 06320
  • If the diploma will be mailed to an address outside of the U.S., a prepaid 9 1/2" x 12 1/2' (or larger) padded shipping envelope is required.

Upon receipt of these documents, a replacement diploma will be issued and your student record will be updated.

Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing once all documentation has been received.

Document Authentication

Information about the Connecticut Secretary of the State's document authentication process can be found here. Please direct all questions regarding the State of Connecticut's document authentication process to the Secretary of the State's office. The registrar's office is unable to answer questions regarding the State of Connecticut's process.

If you require document authentication of your diploma, please send the following to the Office of the Registrar at the address noted above:

  • your original diploma (a copy cannot be accepted; if you have lost your original diploma or it has been damaged, you can request a replacement - please see above)
  • the CT Secretary of the State's Authentication Form and associated fees (payable to the Secretary of the State) and all other material required by the State
  • a prepaid 9 1/2" x 12 1/2' (or larger) padded shipping envelope which Connecticut College will use to mail all material to the Secretary of the State's office, once a copy of your diploma has been notarized

The registrar's office will make arrangements to have a copy of your diploma notarized by a CT notary and will then forward in the prepaid envelope to the CT Secretary of the State's office the original diploma, the notarized copy of the diploma, and all material for the Secretary of the State.

Once the Secretary of the State has completed the document authentication process, the CT Secretary of the State's office will return all of the material directly to you. 

Digital Diplomas in Lieu of Document Authentication

Graduates in the class of 2020 or later were issued a certified electronic diploma in addition to a paper diploma. In some instances, the certified electronic diploma can be presented in lieu of an apostilled diploma. When you provide your employer with the CeDiploma, it can be validated instantly. Please check with your employer to confirm that they can accept it. Instructions to request that the link to your certified electronic diploma be resent are available here